WOWO Thursday 4 May 2023

Next month will see the launch of one of Write-On’s two publications this year: Frank Fahy’s collection of short stories ‘A Father’s Love and Other Stories’, which is due out on June 14. In anticipation of this exciting event, Frank will be reading one of the stories from his collection this Thursday.

Several of our members are writing novels, and this week we can look forward to an excerpt from the opening of Joanne Dowling’s book.

Two further short stories are also planned, as well as no fewer than six poems. Of interest is that the seven authors involved represent a cross section of our membership with regard to age and the length of their membership so far, demonstrating the vitality of our group and auguring well for its future!

Finally, Michael O’Dowd will be adding his special colour to our presentations with another of his lyrical songs. Thank you, Michael!


Pre-Book launch reading A story from “A Father’s Love and Other Stories” Frank Fahy

Excerpt from a novel Chapter 1 of “Signs of Happiness” Joanne Dowling

Short Story Ennisdrum James Conway

Short Story A Fateful Meeting Elizabeth Hannon

Poem One Tranquil Moment Judith Geoghegan

Poem Hawthorn Ciara Keogh

Poem Daragh Kathleen Phelan

Poem Agus mo Chroí Briste Seamus Keogh

Poem I, a Martyr Seamus Keogh

Poem Poem James Conway

Song Letting Go Michael O’Dowd