WOWO Thursday, 28 March 2024 7-9pm GMT

It’s that time of the month once again: all our members are eagerly anticipating the announcement of the new holder of the coveted ‘Mug Of The Month‘ title. No fewer than eleven authors have crafted texts featuring the words GROUND and PITCH, showcasing a wide variety of themes and styles.

Our evening’s trio of short stories is as diverse as ever. Deirdre Anne Gialamas’ ‘Perfect Passage‘ explores how every ending paves the way for a new beginning, a universal theme. ‘Tobernault‘ by Mary Hodson delves into the sacred and mystical traditions of Holy Wells. ‘Migrant‘ by Molly Fogarty also tackles the themes of endings and new beginnings, with hope as the catalyst for those seeking new opportunities.

In our poetry section, Mary Hawkshaw presents two pieces: ‘The River‘, which uses nature’s relentless flow as a metaphor for life’s ups and downs, and ‘A Broken Dove‘, reflecting on the fragility of peace and the quest for solace amidst turmoil. Thomas MacMahon’s ‘A New Home‘ celebrates the joy and security of finding a place to call one’s own. Anne McManus’ ‘Emptiness‘ delves into the voids left behind and the eloquence of silence.

The Write-On Group is eagerly awaiting April 6th for the launch of Olga Peters’ novel ‘A Perfect Couple‘. Having already been read by most members, we anticipate a spirited discussion on its literary and narrative qualities, which will shed light on both the challenges and achievements in writing, offering valuable insights for everyone’s work.

Please note: There will be no Write-On Zoom Meeting in the week following Easter. We wish all our members and guests a Happy Holiday and look forward to welcoming you to our next session on Thursday, April 11, 2024.


Competition Mug of the Month March 2024 Eleven Entries

Short Story Perfect Passings Deirdre Anne Gialamas

Short Story Tobernalt Mary Hodson

Short Story Migrant Molly Fogarty

Poem The River Mary Hawkshaw

Poem A New Home Thomas MacMahon

Poem A Broken Dove Mary Hawkshaw

Poem Emptiness Anne MacManus

Discussion Book Launch – A Normal Couple All Members

WOWO 21 March 2024, Thursday 7-9pm GMT

Our contributions this week include the traditional genres of short stories and poems. All members of the Write-On Group learn from reading and hearing other members’ works; we derive inspiration and encouragement by comparing, analysing, and enjoying the results of our co-members’ talents. Each writer has their own voice, yet there are often parallels which touch on our own aspirations and help us to move forward with our own work. A Write-On Session on a Thursday is thus not just an entertaining evening of consumption, but also a creative hub from which all participants can benefit.

Alice Sheridan is really finding her feet with her pithy, intriguing story ‘Mystery at Grange Hall’ (which is clearly heading towards book length). The speed with which she is producing new chapters is evidence of the joy that writing can bring, and how this joy is the impetus which drives us to keep going!

As we noted last week, when Mary Hodson’s text ‘Tubernalt’ was originally scheduled, Mary is assembling a wonderful collection of memories of country life and traditions that she herself experienced, but which are now fast disappearing in the highly technological New Ireland. We are grateful that Mary is recording these customs in her unmistakable style before they disappear completely.

Frances Dermody’s short story is a humorous account of misunderstandings due to homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings. When these complications occur in a courtroom, we can expect developments with far-reaching results.

The themes covered in our four poems this evening are quite varied: from the flow of nature’s arteries to the anguish of being homeless, the poignancy of hiding a fatal illness in an otherwise joyous environment, and finally a whimsical exploration of the afterlife! Topics which evoke a wide range of emotional reaction in the listeners.

REMINDER: The closing date for entries to this month’s Mug of the Month competition is looming: send your 50-word text to by Sunday 24 March at the latest, and don’t forget the two key words: GROUND and PITCH.

And last but not least, the launch of ‘A Normal Couple’ by Olga Peters will take place in the Clybaun Hotel, Galway, on Saturday, 6 april, from 3.30pm to 5.30pm. All are welcome!


Short Story Mystery at Grange Hall 6,7,8 Alice Sheridan

Short Story Tubernalt Mary Hodson

Short Story Keeping the Piece Frances Dermody

Poem The River Mary Hawkshaw

Poem A New Home Thomas McMahon

Poem Constant Companions Deirdre Anne Gialamas

Poem Poker in Heaven (Frank Fahy) Mary Hawkshaw

Discussion The Write-On Anthology 2025 All Members

WOWO Thursday, 14 March 2024, 7-9pm GMT

And don’t forget the next MOTM competition for the coveted title ‘Mug Of The Month’: a 50-word text of any genre containing the keywords GROUND and PITCH. Closing date for entries to is Sunday, 24 March.


Short Story Mystery at Grange Hall 4 Alice Sheridan

Short Story Tubernalt Mary Hodson

Short Story When They Were In Their Prime James Conway

Drama A Fish Out Of Water Jim Keary

Poem The River Mary Hawkshaw

Poem What Words Can Do Mary Hawkshaw

Poem Obsolete Kathleen Phelan

Poem ABC and Nursery Rhymes Deirdre Anne Gialamas

Poem Nobody Told Me Geraldine Warren

Discussion The Write-On Anthology 2025 All Members

WOWO Thursday, 7 March 2024, 7-9pmGMT

Our session this Thursday opens with a continuation of Alice Sheridan’s lively novel, a social drama of the Jane Austen type set in modern times. A new family has moved into Grange Hall, and the locals are agog to know who they are and how they can engage with them. But all efforts at finding out are firmly and even mysteriously thwarted. To find out how this tug-of-war between the nosy villagers and the reclusive newcomers evolves, don’t miss the next episode on the evening of the 7th!

The short story is very much Mary Rose Tobin’s sphere, and she is a master of this genre, producing tales that are sensitive, empathetic, lively, poignant, often with a twist at the end. Who is the Piano Man? What can we learn from him? Prepare to be bemused by this presentation by Mary Rose.

Our newest member, Jim Keary, is a successful playwright of long standing. He has been presenting excerpts from his plays, and demonstrating how dialogue can be used to portray character, situation, setting, atmosphere, and all the other elements that go to make a written work of art alive and well-rounded. It’s a wonderful opportunity for our members to see great examples of ‘show, don’t tell’. Welcome, Jim, and thank you for sharing your expertise with us.

‘Intriguing, intelligent, highly poetic, with a clear physical context’ – these words well describe the poems of both Mary Hawkshaw and Deirdre Anne Gialamas. We look forward to hearing two works of the very first order.

Finally, Frank Fahy is engrossed in preparing this year’s anthology, and on Thursday our members will be encouraged to assist him in this mammoth and difficult task of assembling, selecting, rejecting, and ensuring that all details are correct. If your name is not among the authors, it is not yet too late to provide a text for inclusion in this impressive and entertaining work.

Once again we invite you – whether member or guest – to join us in what promises to be another outstanding meeting of our talented group. You can expect an enjoyable and profitable evening!


Short Story Mystery at Grange Hall 3 Alice Sheridan

Short Story Piano Man Mary Rose Tobin

Drama The Other Man’s Grass Jim Keary

Poem The River Mary Hawkshaw

Poem Miriam Deirdre Anne Gialamas

Discussion Write-On Anthology 2025 All Members