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Write-on 29 October 2020

What a wonderful session. The Mug of the Month Competition (Trigger words: Work & Share) was hotly contested with eight fantastic entries. Anne Murray produced beautiful PowerPoint images for each entry. A Video of all of the entries was played at the meeting and voting was conducted electronically on the members’ smartphones.

The winner of October’s Mug of the Month was Elizabeth Hannon with her very humorous entry A Fitbit! The virtual presentation of the cherished Mug was made in Hollywood dramatic style by our very own actress Mary (‘O’Hara’) Faherty. Replete with tissues and tears, she finally parted with her beloved Mug and presented it (reluctantly!) to this month’s winner.

All of the entries may be view in our Forum Section (for Members Only). Here is the text of the winning entry.

A Fitbit
by Elizabeth Hannon
My kids bought me a Fitbit 
The very latest thing 
To get me doing workouts 
Lose weight and get thin. 
They’re so amazed with my numbers 
When I share the steps I've clocked! 
I'm telly watching in my chair 
Tossing the Fitbit in the air! 

The second half of the meeting was equally exciting. Poems by Mary Faherty and Thomas MacMahon were discussed and enjoyed. Thomas kept to the Halloween theme with two wonderful poems. Mary Rose also enlivened proceedings by distributing Virtual Backgrounds with a Halloween theme. Many of the participants had fun experimenting with their seasonal backgrounds. I wonder what we will have for Christmas? Plenty of snow, churches, holly, berries, turkey dinners, Santas and reindeers, no doubt!

The meeting was brought to a close with the Premiere of Frank’s movie PUTTING SHAKESPEARE IN THE SHADE. This was dedicated to Frank’s grandson, Ben, and will become an heirloom for the young chap to treasure in years to come.

Frank is extending an invitation to EVERY MEMBER to submit a Movie Trailer for next week. The ingredients and recipe are given. All you have to do is write 40 words (ten fewer words than the Mug of the Month Competition!) and collect photos of your chosen topic.

Looking forward to having at least ONE, if not more Movie Trailers for next week. The beauty of creating a Trailer is that the writer will surely go on to write the complete story later. At least, that is the theory.

All the best until next week!
