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WOWO 11 November 2021

Another bumper week of activities lined up for this Thursday’s session. As well as all the new writing, we will have the opportunity to look back at some of our most popular Presentations for the years gone by. Using our Electronic Voting method, we aim to select the single most popular offering from over 200 entries. Of course, this will only be a snapshot in time, but it will give new members (and old) the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the progress of our writing – our stories, poems and songs – since our foundation in 2017. It may be of interest to note how our skills with technology have improved and how the quality of our writing and presentations have evolved over the years.

We are delighted to have a poem in Irish (as Gaeilge) by our guest writer Colma Nic Aodha Bhuí called Slán le Berna which will be read by her friend, Elizabeth Hannon.

What’s On Write-On this session

Story: The Letter by James Conway

Poem: Heaney (Revised) by Seamus Keogh

Poem: Slán le Berna by Colma Nic Aodha Bhuí read by Elizabeth Hannon

Poem: Title to be announced by Christine Kelley

Poem: Solar Wind by James Keogh

Exhibition and Voting

Presentations Old & New with the opportunity to vote for the most popular one on the day!