WOWO 13 October 2022

Members of Write-on are still recovering from the realisation that we have received almost 1,950 views for our Culture Night 2022 event on YouTube. With a bit of encouragement and by spending the word far and wide, we have no doubt that we will hit the 2,000 mark before too long. Well done to everyone who contributed!

This week’s meeting features new writing from Frank Fahy, Elizabeth Hannon, Joanne Dowling and James Conway.

New Writing

Short Story: A Father’s Love by Frank Fahy

Extract from Novel – Chapter 1 (Revised) by Joanne Dowling

Memoir: Uncle Jim by Elizabeth Hannon

Poem: Romany by James Conway

Discussion: Naming of Parts (1942) by Henry Reed – presented by Jutta Rosen

We also have a feature whereby members can discuss Stories, Poems, Songs, Magazine Articles that left an impression on them. We will investigate these works to find out what makes them special and why they stood out in people’s memories. All in all, it will be a lively session and we hope to have as many members as possible in attendance.