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WOWO 15 April 2021

Following our Easter break, we are looking forward to resuming our Write-on sessions from 7pm-9pm every Thursday. People have been busy during the break, and we have a packed series of readings and presentations to keep everyone entertained. We won’t have time to fit them all in this week and some items will be held over until the following week.

Here are some of the items you can expect:


Short Story: New Bike by Jack Ryan

Short Story: No Room at the Inn by Mary Rose Tobin

Extract from Novel: Addiction To Murder by Frank Fahy


Poem: Trust by Anne McManus

Poem: Crows Crowing by James Keogh

Poem: Lesson for Life by Thomas MacMahon

Poem: Pity the Poor Shoehorn by Celia Scully

Poem: Waiting by Anne McManus

Poem: Whispers from China by James Keogh

Poem: News Speeds ‘Round by Celia Scully

Short Story: Her Pride and Joy by Anne Murray