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WOWO 19 January 2023

After last week’s lively start into the New Year, we can look forward to another session with a diversity of submissions by our members.

While we concentrated on novels last week, this week we’ll be looking at poems, as well as a new song by Bill Geoghegan. In prose we have a chapter from a novel and several short stories.

Nine members have risen to the Write-On Challenge presented last week: a text of not more than 250 words on the topic: ‘The letter’. A quick poll to select the most interesting piece will present a challenge in itself!

With such a wide variety of genres, there’s something for everyone to enjoy!

And not to forget Mug of the Month. The closing date of January 22nd is drawing near. The key words are BOLT and CLUTCH, to be included in a text (poem, prose) of maximum 50 words. Send to Anne Murray at: annemurraypost@yahoo.ie


Flash Fiction Write-On Challenge – The Letter (250 words) Jutta Rosen, Anne Murray, Kathleen Phelan, James Conway, Frank Fahy, Mary Hodson, Elizabeth Hannon, Carmel Leydon, Anne McManus

Song Satchel Molloy Bill Geoghegan

Poem Sea Legends Seamus Keogh

Poem Switched On Elizabeth Hannon

Poem Ukraine Seamus Keogh

Poem The Marathon Brian Ferguson

Poem Father Browne James Conway

Poem We Remember Brian Ferguson

Novel Chapter 1 Carmel Leydon

Short Story The New Arrival Frank Fahy

Short Story Modern Dating Joyce Butcher

Short Story The Dance Joanne Dowling