WOWO 20 May 2021

As the vaccine rollout increases, many of us are finding our way outdoors again, emerging from the gloom of lockdown. We are advised and encouraged to find outdoor activities, so I expect our intrepid group of writers will be taking laptops, notebooks and pens out into the fresh air. Summer will also be a time to re-charge the batteries and we are looking forward to our annual break.

Many of us formulate and shape our short stories, poems and songs during the summer months and squirrel them away so that they can be carefully unfurled in the autumn and winter months. It is said that all writers are ‘magpies’ – from everywhere and anywhere, we gather up bits and pieces of material for use later in our work. I contend that we are also like squirrels. Like the nimble and bushy-tailed animal, we store up treasures for later use.

Whats on Write-on (WOWO)?

This week’s treasures include:

Short Story: Eva and Franz by Jutta Rosen

Poem: Old Shoes by Thomas MacMahon

Poem: Material Greed by James Keogh

Discussion: Open invitation to present a short story, poem or song that you find enthralling, so that other members may discover the ‘treasures’ that you have unearthed on your journey towards becoming a writer.

See you all from 7pm – 9pm at our Zoom session.


Don’t forget BLOOMSDAY Special reading of Ulysses Episode 1 by James Joyce.

On Zoom, Wednesday 16 June from 8pm-9pm.