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WOWO 23 February 2023

The popular Mug of the Month contest takes place in this session – a 50-word text containing the words ARM and HAND. The current ‘Mug’ lives in Boise, Idaho. Where will Mugsy travel to next? Of the seven entries only one is from abroad – but good luck to every contestant!

By contrast, our three prose submissions stem from Galway, Germany and Australia. We can look forward to two short stories by Frank Fahy and Joyce Butcher, and a further extract from Jutta Rosen’s novel in progress, ‘A Normal Couple’, about life in Germany during the Second World War.

Finally, two discussions are scheduled. Alice Munro’s short story ‘The Moons of Jupiter’ is still generating interest, and discussion on this and other stories by the Nobel Prize Winner is being continued.

A further topic that produced animated discussion during the week was the rewriting of past works of literature to bring them in line with modern concepts of ethics. We hope to have more time for this theme on Thursday.

All in all, a programme full of interest and variety which should produce a particularly lively session.


Mug of the Month:

  • Earthquake Mary Rose Tobin
  • Beneath Light and Dark James Conway
  • Useless Anne McManus
  • What is left Jutta Rosen
  • Dancing with the Stars Elizabeth Hannon
  • Viva Las Vegas Frank Fahy
  • The Human Condition Mary Hodson

Short Story Putting Shakespeare in the Shade Frank Fahy

Short Story Elected (3) Joanne Dowling

Short Story The Accident Joyce Butcher

Novel A Normal Couple Jutta Rosen

Poem Oops Kathleen Phelan