WOWO 4 November 2021

November has definitely arrived. With outdoor activities curtailed, we’ll have more time to sit at our desks, slip into the creative mode and activate the pen or laptop. So here’s to all the new poems, stories and songs that are in the making in the coming weeks.

And don’t forget the new November MOTM competition: it’s a few weeks off yet, but you all know what time does when you’re not watching it! The key words are: BELT and BRACE.

Tonight we’re counting on our members to contribute spontaneous comments on their selection of favourite presentations from the past years. A very difficult choice!

What’s On Write-On tonight:

Poem: Black Veils – in Memory by Judith Davitt Geoghegan

Poem: A Tree by James Keogh

Poem: The Tollund Man by James Conway

Story: A Cure for Disbelief by Nollaig O’Donnell

Story: The Furry Boots by Jutta Rosen

A Look Back at Write-On Presentations Members are asked to select their top three favourite presentations and we will have a vote to find the one that proves the most popular.

Looking forward to a stimulating session with a great variety of texts!