Our nine literary contributions this week are the work of six members, an honourable result in view of Christmas laying heavy claims on everyone’s time. We can look forward to five poems, and a further extract from Geraldine’s amusing Aunt Bibi series. Frank’s short stories usually provoke lively discussions, while Mary Hodson, a relatively new and very welcome member, is providing a memoir.
Mug of the Month was won by Kathleen last week, and she is reporting on Mugsy’s sojourn in Kilkenny. Mary is also a relatively new member, and Kilkenny is far away from Mugsy’s home in Galway, so we will be listening carefully!
Frank’s writing challenges have proved very popular – we can expect lively participation in this week’s exercise.
Contributions for next week’s Christmas Special have been and still are pouring in. The evening’s programme requires planning, which is scheduled for this week’s session. The Christmas Special on the 15 December will start at 6.45 and run until about 8.15 GMT.
Finally, should there be time, we can discuss the new look of our website. Suggestions and constructive criticisms are welcome.
Have an enjoyable evening!
Poem The Marathon Brian Ferguson
Poem Freedom Frank Fahy
Poem Father Browne James Conway
Poem The Annual Threat Kathleen Phelan
Poem We Remember (Revised) Brian Ferguson
Extract Aunt Bibi (Extract 4) Geraldine Warren
Short Story The Rendezvous Frank Fahy
Memoir Christmas Eve Mary Hodson
Update Mugsy in Kilkenny Kathleen Phelan
Write-on Challenge A Snap Writing Exercise Created by Frank Fahy
Discussion Ideas for our New Look Website All Members
Planning Write-on Christmas Special All Members