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WOWO May 19, 2022


With Frank taking a sabbatical to recover from Covid, the programme this week will be presented by Mary Rose, Anne Murray and Jutta. And with one exception, we’ve dipped into the history of Write-On for past contributions which are well worth a second showing. The result, we expect, will bring back happy memories for those who read the stories or poems in the past, while more recent members can discover what treasures they missed by joining the group so late! Needless to say, there are hundreds of stories and poems waiting to be reissued in this manner in the coming weeks.

At the same time, we are eager to receive new scripts, so keep writing and sending in your offerings! Please email them to Mary Rose, Anne Murray or Jutta – for details of addresses see the WriteOn WhatsApp group.

Jutta will be reading the continuation of her novel, A Normal Couple, which has been on the agenda in the past few weeks. The War has begun, and the wedding date is due ten days later. What will happen?!

Next week will bring us MOTM – the closing date is next Sunday, 22 May, and the key words are BREEZE and BLOCK. We look forward to a rich crop of entries!


Poem The Currandy Cake by Frank Fahy

Poem My Happiest Memories by Frank Fahy

Poem What If by Geraldine Warren

Story Johnny the F-Word R.I.P. by Geraldine Warren

Story The Intrusion by Mary Rose Toibin

Story An Inconvenient Time by Frank Fahy

Story A Normal Couple. Sept 1-5, 1939 by Jutta Rosen