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WOWO October 26, 2023 19.00-21.00 GMT

It’s time for our popular Mug of the Month competition, and we are proud to announce no fewer than 13 entries. A close contest and a difficult choice to find the winner can be expected!

Last week we presented a touching new song by Grit Metsch, ‘Never Look Down On Me’. Grit was unable to attend, so that we are repeating it this week. It is a beautiful work, and worth hearing over and over again.

New poems from our prolific poets Kathleen Phelan, James Conway and Seamus Keogh are always an enrichment of our sessions, and we can look forward to thoughtful, controversial, amusing, mystical – and of course highly lyrical – works.

Two of our members recently won prizes at national and international poetry/short story competitions. Tonight we will be showing videos of last Saturday’sSiarscéal presentation ceremony to Mary Rose Tobin in Roscommon. Many of our members were present to support her.

Finally, the impact of AI on all forms of written artwork, and the ensuing transformations and adaptions for writers and members of the publishing industry will be the subject of a discussion. Embracing and mastering such a complex and far-reaching new technology is a challenge, and tonight we are taking first steps to achieve these goals.


Song Never Look Down On Me Grit Metsch

MOTM Competition 13x Mug of the Month Entries All Members

Poem Churching Kathleen Phelan

Poem Postcard James Conway

Poem Scent of a Sinner Seamus Keogh

Videos Presentation of The Hanna Greally Awards 2023 All Members

Discussion How AI has changed Artwork, Writing, Editing and Publishing All Members