We have another packed programme of events this Thursday 11 March starting at 7pm (Irish Time) and finishing at 9pm.
Once again, Anne Murray will take the chair for the first part of the meeting. After her excellent debut last week, Anne will guide us through the various readings by the authors.
Here is the Menu for What’s On Write-on (WOWO) this evening.
Story: Spirit Night by Thomas MacMahon
Story: It Could Not Happen by Elizabeth Hannon
Poem: Black Veils – In Memory by Judith Davitt Geoghegan
Story: Extract from Victorian Novel by Debbie Roberts
Story: Manu by Joyce Butcher (Australia)
The second part of the session has a variety of video presentations of stories and poems that are at a more finished stage.
Frank Fahy will chair this portion of the session.
Welcome to our new member from USA, Celia Scully. We will start with her first poem for Write-on.
Poem: Saffron by Celia Scully
Poem: Civil Service by Anne Murray
Poem: Prism by Mary Faherty
Story: My First Book by Frank Fahy
Also on display will be the Cover of A DAY FOR RED by Anne McManus. Anne’s Collection of Short Stories will be going for printing early next week.