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WOWO Thursday, 19 April 2024 7-9pm GMT

This Thursday’s session of the Write-On Group offers three short stories and three poems. Our two-hour meetings take place every seven days, and usually there are more items on our programme than can be presented in the limited time – praise-worthy evidence of the productivity and creativity of our members! Congratulations to all active writers, and to those who are still ruminating!

Deirdre Anne Gialamas features twice tonight. Her short story, ‘Circles’, is set in Athens and introduces us to Dimitris, a former CEO turned street-dweller, a plot which promises strong emotional developments.

Ireland’s peat bogs are the setting for Anne’s poem, ‘Burdened Bog’. In it, she explores this hauntingly beautiful landscape, which is bound up with the history of those who worked in it and the struggles they endured.

Kathleen Greaney’s short story, ‘Spanish Doll’, also brings us to sunny foreign parts. A mysterious doll dressed in flamenco attire leads Maria to Madrid, and ultimately reveals secrets about her ancestry. We can expect an intriguing tale!

‘Breaking Altitude’, by Frank Fahy, promises daring and adventure as he transports us to higher spheres!

Mary Hawkshaw’s poem ‘A Broken Dove’, paints a vivid picture of despair and hopelessness driven by global indifference to suffering, a topic very much of our time.

Josephine McCann’s verses on ‘If the Prom Could Talk’ explore the conversations witnessed by the Salthill prom over the years, where the locals unwind, sharing their woes and joys, hopes and failures. The prom’s therapeutic values are celebrated here in Joephine’s sensitive words.

Finally, preparation of this year’s Anthology 2025 is well under way, and has reached the stage where members are being encouraged to proofread their contributions. This will be the subject of a discussion this evening.

We wish all member and guest participants an enjoyable and fruitful session!


Short Story Circles Deirdre Anne Gialamas

Short Story The Spanish Doll Kathleen Greaney

Short Story Breaking Altitude Frank Fahy

Poem A Broken Dove Mary Hawkshaw

Poem Burdened Bog Deirdre Anne Gialamas

Poem If the Prom Could Talk Josephine McCann

Discussion Proofreading Write-On Anthology 2025 All Members