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What’s On Write-On Thursday 29 February 2024

This Leap Year Thursday meeting of our writing group opens with our monthly competition. A record number of thirteen entries are vying for the coveted title ‘Mug of the Month’ and the accompanying trophy Mug. The key words to be included in the 50-word texts were TIME and TIDE. Each submission will be read and shown twice, so that we can expect a high level of tension to have built up by the time voting begins at the end of the presentation.

The rest of the programme promises a continuation of heightened interest, as recent and very welcome new members display their talents in a selection of short stories, poems and a drama. Established members are also represented, but our newcomers are definitely setting the tone this evening. We greatly appreciate their joining us and bringing in fresh ideas and new impulses. At the same time we are proud of being able to offer a forum which attracts so much diverse talent.

So be prepared for an evening full of variety, a high standard of writing, accompanied by lively verbal feedback and exchange.


Competition Mug of the Month 13 Authors

Short Story Mystery at Grange Hall 2 Alice Sheridan

Short Story Pat – the Legend Eileen Miller

Short Story ‘If Only …’ Brenda Silke

Short Story Smelling of Roses Frances Dermody

Poem On Finding a Dead Goose James Conway

Poem Sweet Citrus Fruits Deirdre Anne Gialamas

Drama Marrying Mike Jim Keary